FLOW-11679: User losses recording due to “Internal Error”.TEMPro and NTEM: Data release notes and FAQ, Version 7. , Format: EXE, Dataset: National Trip End Model (NTEM) , Format: PDF, Dataset: National Trip End Model (NTEM) , Format: ZIP, Dataset: National Trip End Model (NTEM) NTEM: Behaviour Change Scenario, Version 8.0

GIS boundary files for the NTEM zone system are available. To register to receive updates, email to be added to the TEMPro distribution list. Queries regarding the NTEM forecasts should be sent to Department for Transport. NTEM Planning Guidance that provides an overview of the forecasts and the input data used (available in the NTEM Documentation Download below).įurther technical details are available in the NTEM specification.TAG Unit M-4 Forecasting and Uncertainty.Before using the NTEM forecasts, the following DfT guidance should be reviewed: NTEM forecasts are subject to uncertainty, especially when disaggregated to local zones or travel modes.

The forecasts take into account national projections of: The National Trip End Model (NTEM) model forecasts the growth in trip origin-destinations (or productions-attractions) up to 2051 for use in transport modelling. The freely available TEMPro software is required to view these datasets.